Magic Libraries works in partnership with local organizations and institutions who share similar objectives and values and will support projects that are socially and culturally rooted. Magic Libraries is respectful of national education policies and considers the efforts led by stakeholders in education. Magic Libraries promotes a contextualized and customized approach of its projects.
- 450 new books purchased
- 30 teachers trained
- 1'447 books purchased
- 1 librarie renovated
- 1'022 beneficiaries
- One (1) successful pilot training project.
- Sixteen (16) participants took part in the initial training.
- Creation of a physical library
- 1'200 books purchased
- 50 reading workshops organized
- 172 teachers teaching skills improved
- 3’960 books supplied in 15 schools
- 800 books purchased
- 12 animators trained in dtructured and interactivr reading techniques
- Thirty-five (35) audiovisual stories produced and broadcasted
- Partnership established with the national channel BBS3
- 5'000 books purchased
- 2 community libraries renovated
- 8 mobile libraies created
- 243 volunteers trained in storytelling and book management.
- 7'000 books purchased.
- 1'100 books borrowed per month
- 10 books translated Aboriginal languages
- 8'000 bookks printed and distributed to indeginous communities
- 2'700 books purchased
- 1'000 children beneficiaries
- 15 education centres supplied
- 12 online videos
- 120 books purchased
- 14 animators trained in reading techniques
- 28 reading events held
- 3 new libraries created
- 700 books purchased
- 16 multilingual reading sessions held
- 50 new children’s books purchased
- 600 books purchased
- 65 reading activities organised
- 4'000 books purchased
- 19 aboriginal communities have been beneficiaries
- 4 community led libraries established
- Books supply
- 15 libraries renovated
- 3’960 books provided
- 44 librarians trained
- 16'650 books purchased
- 60 librarians trained
- 5,420 children’s books in English and 2'370 in Bemba distributed
- 84 teachers trained
- 21 libraries in classrooms installed