Establishing hospital libraries in Myanmar (2017-2019)


Magic Libraries funded a 2-year project to establish libraries and reading corners in Yangon two pediatric hospitals, and to support the delivery of storytelling and reading sessions by young volunteers.

Experiences with promoting reading activities in pediatric hospitals have shown the positive effect on patient’s recovery and their families. It allows children to fight long waiting hours, to forget about their pain, to better bond with the nurses and doctors for their treatment, to pursue their learning and expand their horizons while being hospitalized.

Between 2017 and 2018, Magic Libraries Foundation and its implementing partner, Myanmar Health and Development Consortium (MHDC) have:

• equipped Yangon and Yankin Children Hospitals with libraries infrastructures and reading corners
• supplied 2’500 children’s books to both hospitals
• organized the lending of 1’100 books per month to patients
• trained 67 volunteers in storytelling and book management
• delivered a total of 216 storytelling sessions to children